Monday, January 29, 2007

News from Vermont

The newsletter below is from Terry Dorsett, the Director of Missions for Vermont (Green Mountain Baptist Association). I have also posted a picture of him and his family. Pray for them.

Dear Vermont Prayer Partners,

It is hard to believe that more than 13 years have passed since the Lord led my family to relocate to Vermont as missionaries. Each winter I look back at that first winter and wonder how we survived in that drafty old parsonage in the small village of Washington. But somehow the Lord gave us strength to endure. Now it is difficult to imagine doing ministry in a setting other than our beloved rural Vermont. There are times when the work is slow and times when discouragement sets it. But most of the time our hearts are overflowing with an enthusiasm fueled by the Holy Spirit as He does His work across our state.

I recently returned from a two week class at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in San Francisco, California. It was the third of five such classes I am taking as part of my Doctor of Ministry studies. This particular class focused on Spiritual Formation. The highlight of the week was a day spent in silence and solitude on top of a mountain overlooking the ocean. To be alone with God is a wonderful thing, and even more so when it is in an environment that reminds you of the Creator who has all things under His control.

Yesterday I preached at one of our GMBA churches. When I arrived the praise team was practicing before the service. A man who had visited the Washington church some years ago but had never made a move toward the Lord was in the praise team! I got to talk to him after the service and he told me in the past few weeks he’d been born again and that his life had been forever changed. Wow, that’s why I’m in Vermont!

I will be spending a week in Texas in February and a week in Indiana in March. As I travel and share the story of what God is doing in Vermont, I pray that the Holy Spirit will burden many others across our nation to join God in His work in Vermont. As we pray, give and become personally involved, we will see Vermont transformed by the power of God into what I believe will one day be the “Bible belt” of New England. We have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go.
Terry Dorsett

Rev. Terry W. Dorsett, Director
Green Mountain Baptist Association

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