Tuesday, January 09, 2007

News from Vermont

The following is from Terry Dorsett, Director of Missions for Green Mountain Baptist Association, Vermont. Rejoice with Terry, but remember to pray for him. The GMBC represents Vermont in the New England Baptist Convention. More detailed information regarding the work in Vermont can be found on their website. http://www.vermontbaptist.org/about/index.shtml

"Sometimes ministry is like a roller coaster ride, especially in a mission setting. The past two weeks have definitely been like a roller coaster with its ups and downs.

Many powerful things have happening in the past two weeks that are clearly “God” events. Recently I was preaching in one of the new missions and a lady came up to see me at the end of the church service. She is not yet a believer and her family has some serious issues (one of her sons is in jail). She talked about how much the church has meant to her during this difficult time and said she felt like the “belonged.” Since then her husband (who is also not yet a believer) has said that his prayer for 2007 is that his entire family would be saved during this year. Now if that doesn’t get you shouting, I don’t know what will!

In another situation a faithful Christian lady who has been praying for her non-believing husband to come to church and be saved has seen him come three times in the last month. I just happen to see her last week during the middle of the week and she said he was touched by the sermon last Sunday. Something’s going on spiritual, pray for his soon salvation.

Then there is the prayer meeting that meets in my home each Wednesday. As you may recall, we started a church at my kitchen table just over two years ago. We quickly outgrew the kitchen and started renting a conference room on a nearby motel. But we have continued to hold the mid-week Bible study and prayer meeting at our home, since the crowd for that is usually only 10-15. But in recent weeks it has begun to surge forward in attendance, and last Wednesday 39 (yes, that’s thirty nine!!!!) people showed up, including two lost adults and half a dozen lost teens. What is God doing in Vermont ? It sounds like revival to me!!!!! Pray for this group to be able to find a building soon, they have been raising money and looking for a building but so far have not found one they can afford. But by faith we believe that 2007 is the year they will find a place and will be able to reach even more people with the Gospel.

But as you know, when God works, Satan also works. For the Devil can’t sand for God’s people to be in revival. Last week I got one phone call after another from pastors and elders across the association sharing with me deep pain and difficulty that they were experiencing. We now have four churches and pastors going through some serious stuff. I am said to say that one of them resigned this past Sunday and two others are very close. Pray for God’s wisdom to settle upon them and that they would follow the Spirit’s leading and not their own emotions. Pray for Satan to be bound and all his demons to be cast forth from Vermont so that God’s Spirit may roam our mountains and valleys with complete freedom. Pray for a fresh anointing from on high for each pastor and elder in our association who will break the Word of Life this week to hungry hearts and thirsty souls.

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