Saturday, January 13, 2007

More updates on China

From "Preachables" (Heart4China)

CHINA. The illiterate men were so excited that they were finding it hard to sleep at night. Late into the night voices could be heard calling out, "Hey! Anyone else awake? Let's practice telling the stories some more." The participants in a two-week long Bible storying training had come to faith in Christ after a Christian visited their village about four years ago. Now, after years of waiting, they were finally hearing all of the Bible stories that they had never been able to read. During daylight hours, their spiritual hunger challenged the trainers to impart to them by word of mouth the spiritual food that many Christian readers take for granted. The training is now over and they have returned to their villages to tell the stories to other non-readers, many of whom have not yet heard of Christ.

CHINA. A small group of friends and family gathered around a banquet table to celebrate the upcoming marriage ceremony of two new believers. The parents of both the bride and the groom had traveled from far away in China to attend the wedding. Although both sets of parents had heard of their children's acceptance of Christ, none of the four had yet decided to follow Jesus. Now they found themselves amazed by the love shown by Christians who had arranged all details of the wedding. The father of the bride stood to express his gratitude to the group. "I have never seen such love displayed," he said. "This could only come from one source." Pointing to the sky, he said, "God." The young couple, who had been praying for months that their wedding would be a testimony of God's love, said a quiet "amen" and looked forward to the day when the speaker would have a personal relationship with their loving God.

CHINA. They had been trying to make contact with a new believer for several months, but she was not responding to their e-mails or calls. Then as they were attempting to text message another new believer, they hit the wrong button and sent it to their elusive friend. To their surprise, she responded to the message that was not intended for her! Communication was restored and she began meeting with them for Bible study. Soon after that, she was baptized. She now tells people that if her friends hadn't hit the wrong button that day, she might still be running from the Lord.

CHINA. As a fourth grader, she had to write a report on a city in China. Rather than choose a famous China city, she chose a little known city in southern China. As she researched the city and even learned to pronounce the city name in Chinese, she grew to love the city. Her report was completed 13 years ago, but she never forgot the city. When she applied to participate in Christmas in China* last fall, she prayed that God would take her to that very city. He did just that. Now her Christmas journey is complete and she has returned to the U.S. with a commitment to return for an extended time of ministry to the city that God laid on her heart when she was a child.

(*An annual student project in China.)

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