Thursday, March 13, 2008

Commission Stories

There is a new website featuring stories about mission from around the globe. It is called Commission Stories. A menu for the contents can be found in the left column. Below are a few clips from this informative and inspiring website. Visit it and see for yourself.


RonK said...

Can you direct me to the directions to use the Widget for Commission Stories. I posted about Eric Reese when a friend emailed this to me, but I can't get it to show up on my blog and I can't download the clip. When I embed the video, it's way too large! Thanks.

OC Hands said...

It appears you discovered a way to post the Widget. You know, of course, that this will lead visitors to the Commission Stories website. I think you can adjust the size of the pictures. I have been able to so so in the past after uploading them. Let me know if that works.