Saturday, June 09, 2007

News from the Big Country

The following is a report from a colleague who travels into the big country from time to time.
It was an interesting trip to a different province from where I am usually
found. About a month ago, some friends contacted me with the request
that I return to visit them soon for they had some exciting and important
information to share. I agreed to stop by on my next trip to that
part of the country and then shared with them my schedule for when that might
be. I confess that these brothers and sisters are ones that I always look
forward to visiting with and learning of how the Father is blessing the work in
their area of the country.

Arriving in my friend's city last week,
I found that my friend had brought together several leaders
from another province that represented an amazing House Church network of
friends. These friends, from a nearby province, had traveled many hours by
train to meet with me and discuss the possibilities of our assisting them in
efforts to both grow in the Lord as well as grow by reaching the rest of
their province for Christ! This new network represented some 16
associations with over 80,000 members and around 550
churches. Their dream was to learn how to assist their lay-led bodies
to be more solid in their faith while also boldly moving forward in reaching
their people. As we talked, I was touched of the Lord's spirit when I
learned that this body has only 26 years of history and that they have only 20
full-time paid workers in the midst of their over 550 churches.
Having said this, their goal is to multiply both churches and multiply lay
leadership for the new churches they wish to develop. Wow, what faith
these people have in the Holy Spirit as their teacher and the Bible alone as
their "instruction book!" Surely, God will continue to bless such

Please pray for us all as we seek God's leadership in learning how partnership is best accomplished for His Kingdom! Blessings as you serve.

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