Thursday, February 22, 2007

East Asia Update


Balancing Act
China watchers will tell you that anything that is said about China is true. The nation is so vast, her history so rich, and her populous so enormous that somewhere in China, anything is true! China is an ancient culture and a modern country. China is exceedingly progressive, but still harbors elements of extreme suppression. China has citizens of great wealth and many who are greatly impoverished. It's all true!

China can be compared to one of its gifted acrobats who can balance spinning objects on his forehead while contorting his body into extremely unlikely poses. Just when the observer thinks the performance cannot possibly be more intricate, then the acrobat flips backward or forward into another improbable position. Consider China's recent shooting down of its own satellite, its long silence afterwards, and finally, its denial that the action was related to an outer space arms race.

High Wire Artist
China is also like a high wire artist, walking a tight rope strung between its ancient past and its modern realities. Witness the ongoing debate by officials of Beijing's historic Forbidden City over whether the Starbucks shop located within its walls should be shut down. Observe the 80-year old women whose feet were cruelly bound in infancy hobbling along in the very country that will welcome world class runners of both genders to the 2008 Summer Olympics. Read of the 700 ancient tombs that were recently unearthed on present-day construction sites by those entrusted with erecting modern state-of-the-art Olympic venues.

Weight Lifter
China also bears similarities to a weight lifter. Already impacting the world's economy and influencing international politics, China is increasingly being referred to as the world's next super power. As it hoists heavy agendas front and center on the world stage, its muscle-flexing presses and lifts hold the rapt attention of much of the world.

Tipping the Scales
Hanging in the balance of China's intricacies is her most precious resource: her 1.3 billion people. With the rapid church growth in recent years, it is estimated that as many as 120 million may now be Christian. But that still leaves more than one billion who don't know Christ. With all of the incredible progress being experienced in China, salvation of her people remains her greatest need. Please join us in tipping the scales as we seek to reach China for Christ.

Praying for China
Pray that every man, woman, and child in China will have opportunity to hear of the Savior's love.
Pray that all who share Christ in China will do so in bold and effective ways.
Pray that many millions of new Chinese believers will enter the Kingdom this year.
Pray that Chinese leaders and influencers can be impacted by the gospel.
Go to: find out more about how to pray for China.

Quote From A Front Line Worker

"We are thankful to be a part of the harvest here. Another month has passed and
the Good News continues to spread. Recent follow-up activities in two areas have
been very fruitful. We have seen more people come to faith in both places. The
most exciting thing that we are seeing is simple child-like obedience to go and
tell others. It is neat to see their relationships come into the picture. These
areas are full of lost people. Family, friends, fellow villagers, and in reality
everyone they know is lost. Their testimony and sharing of the Good News is very
effective. The resources are indeed in the harvest. For the great things He is
doing we are ever giving thanks"

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